Wells Middle School

MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Wells Middle School is to provide a learning environment that promotes honesty, excellence, achievement, respect and tolerance. CORE VALUES * All Students, parents, and staff will have a safe school environment to learn, teach, and...

Fallon Middle School

Fallon Middle School Vision Statement Fallon Middle School is a joyful and innovative learning community focused on the healthy development of young adolescents. At its core, Fallon is a place where teachers, administrators, and support staff work collaboratively to...

Cottonwood Creek K-8 School

Welcome to the Cottonwood Creek Community. We are so excited to have your child attend our new state of the art facility, Cottonwood Creek K-8 School for the 2018-2019 school year. Dublin Unified School District is currently working on a plan to provide your child...

Murray Elementary School

Our Mission Statement Our mission at Murray is to instill in our students a joy for learning by empowering our students with the information, knowledge and tools necessary to reach their highest potential as complex thinkers, quality producers, collaborative and...

Kolb Elementary School

Welcome to Kolb Elementary ~ Home of the Eagles! Our Motto is: Soaring High in Mind, Body, and Spirit! These homes are in the school district for Kolb Elementary School. You are encouraged to confirm the address of the property is, in fact, in the school district....